GCU Academy Support-Team Page

Richard and Heidi Wurzbacher
GCU Academy Support Team
Territory Covered: Global
Web: Perfectyoursuccess.com
Email: perfectyoursuccess@icloud.com

Richard Wurzbacher is the owner of Perfect Your Success, LLC. This Kingdom minded company focuses on ministry and business growth solutions. Specifically, Richard focuses on his expertise in Web Design, Graphic Design, Search Engine Optimization, Branding, Copywriting, Marketing, Business Growth, Brand Coaching, as well as Lead Generation. He is the sole developer the GCU Academy website. Richard’s focus is on assisting global ministries to grow their brand in order to advance the Kingdom of God through spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

Heidi Wurzbacher is Richard’s beloved wife and co-owner of Perfect Your Success, LLC. She is the behind-the-scenes editor, proof-reader and that so important second set of eyes on each and every facet of all projects. Heidi also helps with initial graphic design ideas on paper before they become final illustrated digital high-resolution graphics. She is grounded in The Word of God and is a true servant leader in all aspects of advancing The Kingdom of God.

VISION: Through the study of scripture and Holy Spirit revelations provided by God, assist GCU Academy prepare for the the future of the ministry and it’s global expansion for decades to come.

MISSION: To support GCU Academy in the growth and marketing aspects within the scope of work that Perfect Your Success, LLC provides.

GOALS: Richard and Heidi are excited about becoming more involved with the GCU Academy in 2024 in any way they can. They are both anxious to use their credentials, high level of training/expertise and vast experience in Kingdom Ministry Growth in order to help each and every existing GCU Chaplain grow their ministry and brand within their individual geographic locations as requested.

SERVICE: Both Richard and Heidi are very service oriented in all that they do and are dedicated to helping the GCU Academy in its expected 2024 global growth initiatives. It is expected that GCU Academy will ordain many new Certified GCU Chaplains around the world. We are here to help with this and other initiatives that are so vital to the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

SUPPORT:  Our goal is to provide online, offline, direct and indirect marketing support in order to help achieve mass global exposure of the GCU Academy brand and to assist in the growth of the Certified Chaplaincy Program in order to glorify God and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.


Romans 15:17 “Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service go God.”

2 Corinthians 9:12 “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”

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