House Of Esther – Kenya

GCU Kenya Trip – Feb 2024

The House of Esther Kenya is a ministry that will provide a new orphanage home for shelter, clothing, food and education to 26 – 30 orphans ages 2-15. This Godly home in Saiwa Village will also be the headquarters for GCU KENYA! This will become a community hub to love and serve Jesus. GCU will be equipping these children and villagers for Kingdom Living!

James 1:27 (KGV) Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Below are four diagrams of the orphanage that we are building. The foundation is finished and is 5,800 square feet that will house 26 – 30 kids. It consists of male and female dormitories on the 2nd floor, each with bathroom facilities. The main floor consists of a large dining hall, as well as a a fellowship area. There will be a kitchen on the first floor. There will also be 3 bedrooms on the first floor used for caretakers. The open roof concept will be used for chaplaincy classes and a relaxation area.

View 1

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In order for GCU to complete this important ministry project, we are having a fund raiser.

We are initiating a “Buy A Block” campaign. Each block is $5.00 and we need to raise $250,000.00 to complete all remaining phases of this project.

There are three phases for building and completing the House Of Esther Kenya:

Phase 1: Foundation. COMPLETED

Phase II: Completion of all walls and rooms.

Phase III: Completion of all internal components such as appliances, bathroom fixtures, furniture, bedding, toilets and all other remaining internal needs.

Buy A Block Campaign

You can buy one block or any number of blocks you wish to sow, either individually or corporately.

Custom – Any Amount Of Blocks
($5.00 each)

For more information about the House of Esther Kenya Project, click HERE.

Video Gallery

Apostle Bill Hodge and Tracy Hagood Dancing and Praising God With The Village

Children and Adults Dancing and Praising Jesus While The Rest Watch

Queen Esther Tea – Benefiting
The House Of Esther Kenya

Photo Gallery

These children were created for such a time as this for the Kingdom. Esther 4:14